
I am Ali Maria. Living and learning in public through this space.

photograph of dandelion seeds ready to fly


Ahead of the trip I am taking around Europe in 2022, my friends kept asking where they could be up-to-date with where I went and what I saw. So was born the idea of this website.

The journal section has what I am up to at any given moment (maybe closer to a diary than to a journal in this case) and reflections on what I learn as a person along the way.

Do not expect my journal entries to sweep you off your feet. These are just my way of expressing myself and therefore your entertainment will not be front-and-centre when writing them.

Also, I am intensively learning how to be a kind yet strong, independent yet vulnerable, and productive yet self-compassionate human being. What I write about myself is not what I advise for others. I am a work-in-progress and will be until I die.

Visual and Written

I have always been a creative person and now I have a place to showcase all of that creativity. Showcase in the sense of putting it out there, not in the sense of showing you something worth seeing!

I am also intensively learning how to create visual and written art. Therefore, the visual and written sections are much more about being inspired by my failures than by my successes.

Do not use or redistribute anything on these sections (or anywhere else on this website) without my explicit permission. I will probably be glad to give you certain rights of distribution upon discussion, but I do not want the risk of someone else being credited for my work.

Also, when you create something inspired by something I created, please mention that alongside your work and link back to the original.